
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2022

Russia Targeting Civilian Population in Ukraine Capital Zelenskyy Begs Congress for Military Aid

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine intensifies, relentless bombardment is being aimed at the civilian population in the capital city of Kyiv. Severe damage has been reported after rockets, missiles, and bombs were launched in the area. Residential neighborhoods and even hospitals have all been targeted, including a maternity hospital. The country's leaders expect the onslaught to get worse. CBN News Senior International Correspondent George Thomas is in Kyiv and described the destruction firsthand. "The latest reporting from the Pentagon is that the Russians have launched over 900 missiles since the start of the war," said Thomas. "One of those missiles hit this multi-story apartment building on the west side of Kiev, you can still see the smoke billowing." "This happened yesterday and all the surrounding buildings as well," Thomas continued. "You can see their windows have been basically blown out even to that building apartment over there.

Biscoito de Polvilho Assado Fcil adoro fazer aqui veja agora

Amores que tal come?ar o dia com essa receita de Biscoito de Polvilho Assado que ? incr?vel e super f?cil de fazer. Eu aposto que todos v?o adorar. Ent?o confira o modo de preparo e me diz o que achou Ingredientes: 2 x?caras (ch?) de Polvilho Azedo (300 gramas) 150 ml de ?gua Quente 150 ml de ?leo 1/2 colher (ch?) de Sal 150 ml de Leite Integral 1 Ovo 50 gramas de Queijo Parmes?o. Biscoito de Polvilho - Modo de Preparo: Em uma tigela coloque o Polvilho Azedo, a ?gua Quente, ?leo, Sal, Leite, Ovo e misture muito bem at? ficar uma massa bem lisinha e el?stica. Se for querer usar o queijo parmes?o adicione ele bem ralado na massa e o ideal ? ralado bem bem fininho. N?o recomendo usar mussarela, o ideal ? usar queijos mais duros e com sabor marcante. Ent?o misture muito bem e coloque em um saco de confeitar e corte um buraquinho n?o muito grande, mas n?o muito fino principalmente se tiver com parmes?o ou acaba entupindo e fica dif?cil modelar. Modele os biscoitos em